Sunday, October 19, 2008


One of my favorite photo sessions was with a little two month old baby where every shot I had was great. We even got an amazingly rare smiling photo and a great tummy shot. Sometimes you leave a session and you're really proud of the photos you were able to get, especially when mom was really demanding of the child and brought multiple outfits and had specific things in mind. It's nice to succeed like that.

Then someone pulls out the coupon for the single pose $9.99 package and orders only one picture.


Anonymous said...

Yep, and you know they are going online and just right clicking every picture and sending those to their friends!

Anonymous said...

Or better yet, one of your regular $9.99 package only Smilesavers member,free 10x13 coupon holding,and always wanting something for free favorite customers will interject herself into your sales presentation and give your customer a handful of coupons. Coupons that you are required to OVERCOME. Thanks lady.

SPS said...

Well, or they just wait a couple months down the road until we're offering reorder CDs for $19.99 and just get all the pictures then rather then spending the 119.99 it would take to get it at the time of the session

Anonymous said...

Or thanks to CPI, our regular $9.99 customers are now getting a $4.99 package.